Event Finder(Meteor Hackathon 2021)


Event Finder is an application that helps people connect together even during this special period. In this fast-paced life, we need to keep changing our environment as we’re moving toward, so we need to adapt to the new environment as fast as we can, such as making new friends, finding your buddy that has the same habit as do. Hence, we’ve built the Event Finder application. This is a Meteor application that we made for the Meteor Hackathon 2021. The main purpose we create this event finder is to help people to connect to each other, at the same time, they can also try out different events to discover new things in their life. You can find more information from here.

My Contributions

In this application, I have created the add event and edit event page, by using the auto form and connecting each field to the correct collection database and with its schema. Which allows the user to add and edit events. Also, I have add the deleted functionality for users to delete their created event. For a user to display their name on the event card, I add the user name field when they sign up, so we can display their user name on the card through this new field in the user collection. Last I finish the readme.md file.

What I Learn

This isn’t like any of the projects I participate in before, because we have only about five days to work on the project. The biggest thing I learn is to plan and communicate with team members. First, we need to plan out everything we want for this application and make it happen, and we split them into each issue so we don’t mess up the code. Every day we report our progress and help each other out as a team. Also, during the communication with team members, I’ve learned lots of concepts and ways to make some functionally in the application through meteor.This will be a very valuable experience though out my career life.
