How to Make People Answer Your Question

10 Sep 2020

Be Smart

On the road to master the skill of coding, we always have to face lots of problems. Sometimes, the question could be very tough, which you will need somebody to gives a hint to stop the suffering from looking punch code. Fortunately, there are lots of online communities and forums you can discuss your problem with other smart people that have the same major as you. At this point, the one important skill that you must have is to ask a smart question. Why we need smart questions? So people have the desire to answer your questions. A smart question is very valuable, not only because you are getting the answer to the problem, the people who are answering the question also gaining useful experience and knowledge. Asking smart questions also helps other people understand your questions better and able to give a clear nice answer to your questions. The way you choose to ask the questions very influence other peoples thought, which could lead them gives some negative comment on your question and wasting other people time, so is very necessary to learn ask a smart question.

What is a smart question?

To create a smart question, is very important that you point out and make a clear description of the object you want to understand. Such as when you asking about a concept problem, you have to clear what you already know and what is confusing you in detail, so when people read your questions, they have a clear idea of what you asking and discuss their thought to you. A question that can easily be answered by just searching on google is not a smart question, it only proves that you didn’t even try to answer the question. Here is the example that I found in Stack Overflow:

The question above is count as a smart question, in the title, he points out the question clearly, with correct grammar and logic. In the question, first, he gives his though of everything he knows about the question, and he breaks down the question to a small problem and asks the concept they contain, which when people after finish reading the question, they know what to explain, and they were able to discuss their though of the problem, and make the question very valuable from all the information they were discussing.

The question above is a bed example of asking questions, first, this question can be solve easily by just searching from google, and this question isn’t related to coding which he asks the wrong subject that not suppose to appear in Stack Overflow.

What I learn

From learning to ask the smart question, it helps me to have some easy time when I faced the tough problem, the strategy of asking smart questions helps me get the hint or answer faster which people will more likely answer my problem. Not only online, this strategy could also apply in my real life, we always have a chance to work as a group, which when I ask a smart question, my team can easily understand my question and discuss the solution together, which helps increase the efficiency of work.

Source: How To Ask Questions The Smart Way Good question Bad question